Monday 6th January | |
18:30 | Boarders return |
Tuesday 7th January | |
08:30 | Lessons begin |
Friday 24th January | |
12:55 | Exeat Weekend begins for all pupils (pupils have morning lessons) |
Sunday 26th January | |
21:00 | Exeat Weekend boarders return |
Friday 14th February | |
12:55 | Half Term holiday begins (pupils have morning lessons) |
Sunday 23rd February | |
21:00 | Boarders return |
Monday 24th February | |
08:30 | Lessons begin |
Thursday 27th March | |
09:30 | Easter Concert: By, Sco, B, D, Ldr, L, Sn, Sr |
11:00 | Easter Concert: C, F, G, K, N, S, Sc, StA, W (approx one hour; Term ends for these pupils after the Service) |
Friday 28th March | |
09:00 | Houses close |
Tuesday 22nd April | |
18:30 | Boarders return |
Wednesday 23rd April | |
08:30 | Lessons begin |
Saturday 3rd May | |
12:25 | Exeat Begins 1st to 3rd Form/ Field Weekend 4th to U6th Form |
Monday 5th May | |
21:00 | Exeat Boarders return |
Saturday 24th May | |
12:25 | Half Term holiday begins (pupils have morning lessons) |
Sunday 1st June | |
21:00 | Boarders return |
Monday 2nd June | |
08:30 | Lessons begin |
Saturday 28th June | |
Speech Day and Leavers’ Ball |
Saturday 30th August | |
08:30 | Scott House New Pupils’ Induction, including Head’s address |
13:00 | Upper Sixth Form boarders arrive for lunch in House |
15:00 | Third Form start to arrive at House in uniform |
15:40 | Head’s Address to Third Form parents and pupils (Chapel) |
16:00 | Tea in House with Tutors |
17:45 | Evening Service for new Third Form Pupils |
Sunday 31st August | |
First and Second Form Berrystead pupils arrive: | |
10:00 | Returning pupils (Second Form) |
11:30 | First and new Second Form pupils |
10:30 | Third Form induction |
11:00 | New Fourth and Lower Sixth Form to arrive in Houses |
11:45 | Head’s Address to New Fourth and Lower Sixth Form pupils with parents (GH) |
12:30 | Head’s address to new Berrystead pupils and their parents |
17:00 | Returning Fourth to Lower Sixth Form to arrive back to Boarding Houses |
Monday 1st September | |
08:30 | Academic programme begins |
Saturday 20th September | |
12:25 | Exeat Weekend for all pupils (pupils have morning lessons) |
Monday 22nd September | |
21:00 | Boarders return |
Saturday 18th October | |
12:25 | Half Term holiday begins (pupils have morning lessons) |
Sunday 2nd November | |
18:30 | Boarders return |
Monday 3rd November | |
08:30 | Lessons begin |
Friday 21st November | |
12:55 | Exeat Weekend begins for all pupils (pupils have morning lessons) |
Sunday 23rd November | |
21:00 | Exeat Weekend boarders return |
Thursday 11th December | |
18:00 | Carol Service: Laxton, Sadler, Scott and Berrystead |
Friday 12th December | |
10:00 | Carol Service: B, D, K, Ldr, StA, W |
12:00 | Carol Service: C, F, G, N, Sn, Sc, S |
Saturday 13th December | |
09:00 | Houses close |
Monday 5th January | |
18:30 | Boarders return |
Tuesday 6th January | |
08:30 | Lessons begin |
Friday 23rd January | |
12:55 | Exeat Weekend begins for all pupils (pupils have morning lessons) |
Sunday 25th January | |
21:00 | Exeat Weekend boarders return |
Friday 13th February | |
12:55 | Half Term holiday begins (pupils have morning lessons) |
Sunday 22nd February | |
21:00 | Boarders return |
Monday 23rd February | |
08:30 | Lessons begin |
Friday 20th March | |
09:30 | Easter Concert: C, F, G, K, N, S, Sc, StA, W (approx one hour; Term ends for these pupils after the Service) |
11:00 | Easter Concert: By, Sco, B, D, Ldr, L, Sn, Sr (approx one hour; Term ends for these pupils after the Service) |
Saturday 21st March | |
09:00 | Houses close |
Monday 13th April | |
18:30 | Boarders return |
Tuesday 14th April | |
08:30 | Lessons begin |
Saturday 2nd May | |
12:25 | Exeat Begins 1st to 3rd Form/ Field Weekend 4th to U6th Form |
Monday 4th May | |
21:00 | Exeat Boarders return |
Saturday 23rd May | |
12:25 | Half Term holiday begins (pupils have morning lessons) |
Sunday 31st May | |
21:00 | Boarders return |
Monday 1st June | |
08:30 | Lessons begin |
Saturday 27th June | |
Speech Day and Leavers’ Ball |