"I was a bursary recipient and remain hugely indebted to this wonderful gift that I was offered. I firmly believe that without it, I would not have had such significant opportunities in my life after school. Knowing how privileged I was, has directed my own career, and I now teach in order to help young people understand how to make the most of all the opportunities they are given."GAYLE RUSSELL (L 05)
Bursaries are awarded following close consultation with individual families regarding their financial circumstances. Emergency help may also be offered to families who find themselves in difficult financial circumstances part way through their child’s education. We identify and support bursary candidates and their families in partnership with our growing network of third-party charities and multi-academy trusts.
Oundle is only able to extend this opportunity thanks to the generosity of those of our supporters who are inspired by the possibility of sharing the benefits that they or their own children have enjoyed. Since 2013, The Foundation has raised over £3.9m in support of Bursaries at the School, and on behalf of the hundreds of children who have benefited, we would like to offer our heartfelt thanks to everyone who makes this possible.
To make a donation to our bursary fund please click here or contact us.
We place the highest value on giving our pupils every possible opportunity to flourish and on being true to our identity as a co-educational boarding school. Fundamental to this commitment is the quality of our care, including the physical and pastoral structures that make it possible.
Project 24 is focused on strengthening our commitment to boarding, enhancing our boarding and day provision at 11+ and modernising our offer for day children.
To make a donation to Project 24 please click here or contact us.
Find Out MoreWe are grateful for donations of any size, please see below for options on how to donate, including donating online, via cheque, bank transfer and international giving.
To find out more about more about our different funds or how your gift will be used, please contact the Director of Development, Rebecca Baxter to discuss.
To make a donation online please click here.
Please complete our donation form or contact us directly to let us know about your donation, whether we are able to claim Gift Aid and which fund you wish it to be directed to.
Cheques should be made payable to The Oundle School Foundation and sent to our postal address along with a completed donation form.
BACS transfers can be made to:
Barclays Bank PLC | Account Name: The Oundle School Foundation
Sort Code: 20-67-45 | Account Number: 30577103 | IBAN: GB78 BARC 2067 4530 577103 | SWIFTBIC: BARCGB22
You may set up a regular donation to The Oundle School Foundation through a Standing Order with your bank. Please do remember to give us permission to claim Gift Aid your donation if you are a UK Taxpayer and let us know the planned start date of any new instruction.
You can also donate through shares, corporate giving or transfer of assets. Further, informal guidance on this particularly advantageous method of giving may be sought from the Director of Development.
The British Schools and Universities Foundation (BSUF) Inc is a charitable organisation founded over 40 years ago to enable US residents to support British schools and universities in a tax efficient manner. It is a charitable organisation recognised by the US Internal Revenue Service under Section 501 (c) (3) of their Codes. The BSUF’s Federal ID Number is 13-6161189. Oundle School is recognised as an official member which will entitle you to receive full US tax exemption status.
You should express ‘a preference for Oundle’ in your transmittal letter, not on your cheque, which is to be drawn to the order of the British Schools and Universities Foundation. Such preferences are respected by the BSUF, but all grants are made at its sole discretion, as required by the IRS.
Please post your donation to:
British Schools and Universities Foundation
New York
NY 10022-4503
If you wish the tax deduction within the current calendar year, you should send your gift no later than four weeks in advance of 31 December.
Please also email the Oundle Society advising us of the amount of your donation and whether you have a preference for how your gift is to be used.
Leaving a gift to Oundle in your will
The financial seed from which the School has grown and flourished over the centuries was the legacy bequeathed by its founder, Sir William Laxton. He was an Oundle boy who went on to become Lord Mayor of London. When he died in 1556 he left a gift in his will to The Worshipful Company of Grocers on condition that they should re-establish and support his former ‘gild’ school in Oundle.
Legacies play a vital part in helping the School to provide the highest quality of education. If you have appreciated the excellence of an Oundle education, we encourage you to consider leaving a legacy to ensure that future generations continue to benefit.
Making a bequest is simple: it can be included in a new will or added as a Codicil to your existing will. It will be free from inheritance tax. You may, if you wish, direct your gift to be used for a particular purpose within the School.
Although your testamentary intentions are of course personal and private, if you intend to remember Oundle in your will we should be delighted if you would notify us (ideally by completing our Legacy Intention Form) so that we may recognise your generosity. All legators can opt to become members of the William Laxton Society, which through annual events provides an opportunity for the School to show its appreciation to its testamentary benefactors. The Society’s membership currently stands at over 200 and is steadily increasing.
For more information about making a bequest and request a copy of our legacy brouchure, please contact us or request a call back below.
Each year, the Old Oundelian Benevolent Fund makes funds available to support children of Old Oundelians, either as boarding and day pupils, that are in need of bursary support.
Bursaries are awarded through a Declaration of Means process which can be completed up to three years before entry to the School. Old Oundelian parents are encouraged to contact Admissions at an early stage in the process. Candidates must pass the appropriate entrance examinations, contribute positively to School life and show a conscientious attitude to their studies.
T: 01832 277125
E: admissions@oundleschool.org.uk