It is a privilege to commence our teaching journey with our First and Second Form. Our focus through these two crucial years is to develop intellectual curiosity and shape academic potential, all while building confidence and establishing positive habits for lifelong learning.
Eleven- and twelve-year-old children have wonderfully creative and enquiring minds. The enthusiasm that they bring to their learning makes them a joy to teach. We have a bespoke and graduated curriculum aimed at nurturing growth in independence and self-organisation, while opening a window to all the opportunities and facilities offered by a large boarding school. At this age, children’s minds are at their most alert in the mornings, which is when we teach most of our core academic subjects. The majority of our afternoons are devoted to the creative subjects and sport, with reading time also being given its own dedicated space in the timetable. Our Electives programme takes place twice weekly in the afternoons, offering pupils a range of activities to spark their interest and indulge their hobbies.
We operate a week A and B timetable across the year, with academic lessons on Monday to Friday and Saturday mornings devoted to our enrichment programme, Omnia. All of our subjects are taught by specialist teachers who teach right through to I/GCSE and A level. This enables our younger children to gain true mastery of their subjects and builds a solid foundation for their academic lives ahead. Unencumbered by examination preparation, our focus is on providing breadth of academic opportunity combined with development of skills and character traits to equip them in their School journey. Giving time and space to these aspects is crucial to pupils becoming happy and effective learners. Overseeing the whole of the First to Third Form curriculum is our Head of Lower Years, ensuring that pupils benefit from a continuity of learning as they move up from Second Form.
In the First Form, all pupils learn Latin and either French or Spanish as their main modern foreign language, with the opportunity to experience other languages through a carousel of Ancient Greek, German and Chinese. They then choose to continue with one of these in Second Form in addition to Latin and their main modern language. In the Third Form all the languages offer beginners sets, opening up further options.
Omnia consists of two 90 minute sessions on a Saturday morning, with a half hour break in between. Pupils from both our day House and boarding House take part together in a team-based structure. Oundle specialist teachers lead the sessions, with additional expertise drawn in from further afield when required. Most sessions take place within Oundle, but we also make the most of the inspiring places on our doorstep to add diversity to the programme. There is no extra cost to the programme for parents.
The full range can be found in our Omnia brochure. First Formers will benefit from a bespoke team building programme over the first four weeks to support their induction process. This is followed by a carousel of activities in small groups, with each four-week rotation focusing on a particular skill-set or character trait. Examples include robotics, climbing, rocket launching and Farm to Fork. Second Formers will rotate through four key themes across four weeks: Global Citizens, Team Players, Critical Thinkers and Climate Champions. Activities will include kayaking, debating, command tasks, as well as trashion and upcycling.
Our experience is that pupils will want to make the most of Omnia! However we also recognise that some First Formers may need a little time to adjust to Saturday mornings or may benefit from an extra morning at home/in their boarding House from time to time. They can therefore opt out of Omnia on an adhoc basis, while for Second Formers, it is a key part of the transition up to Third Form. Lunch is provided for all pupils once Omnia has finished, followed by an optional sports session for both year groups in the early afternoon. One Saturday per term will also be devoted to a whole year group competitive event and social occasion, to which parents will be invited.
Omnia consists of two 90 minute sessions on a Saturday morning, with a half hour break in between. Pupils from both our day House and boarding House take part together in a team-based structure. Oundle specialist teachers lead the sessions, with additional expertise drawn in from further afield when required. Most sessions take place within Oundle, but we also make the most of the inspiring places on our doorstep to add diversity to the programme. There is no extra cost to the programme for parents.
The full range can be found in our Omnia brochure. First Formers will benefit from a bespoke team building programme over the first four weeks to support their induction process. This is followed by a carousel of activities in small groups, with each four-week rotation focusing on a particular skill-set or character trait. Examples include robotics, climbing, rocket launching and Farm to Fork. Second Formers will rotate through four key themes across four weeks: Global Citizens, Team Players, Critical Thinkers and Climate Champions. Activities will include kayaking, debating, command tasks, as well as trashion and upcycling.
Our experience is that pupils will want to make the most of Omnia! However we also recognise that some First Formers may need a little time to adjust to Saturday mornings or may benefit from an extra morning at home/in their boarding House from time to time. They can therefore opt out of Omnia on an adhoc basis, while for Second Formers, it is a key part of the transition up to Third Form. Lunch is provided for all pupils once Omnia has finished, followed by an optional sports session for both year groups in the early afternoon. One Saturday per term will also be devoted to a whole year group competitive event and social occasion, to which parents will be invited.
Discover more about Omnia, our enrichment programme carefully crafted to benefit our youngest pupils in both their academic progression and their wider development as they move up through Oundle.
Read more here