Oundle is founded on philanthropy and we strongly believe that for well-suited children, financial circumstances should not limit access to an Oundle education. We will endeavour to support any family whose child has the potential but not the financial means to come to Oundle.

Oundle crest

Our fees include all boarding and laundry charges (if applicable), tuition, games, Health Centre access, Sports Centre access throughout the year including School holidays, library, lectures and some entertainment (not theatre). Some variable expenses and certain optional extras, including Music lessons, are charged on the School Account

Fees are payable by Direct Debit in advance before the beginning of the Michaelmas, Lent and Summer Terms.  From 1 January 2025 VAT will be applied to School fees following government legislation. Fees for the new academic year are set in the June of the preceding term.

Tuition Fees Lent & Summer Term 2025

Third Form - Sixth Form (Years 9 - 13)£16,055£3,211£19,266
Second Form (Year 8) – Full or weekly£14,155£2,831£16,986
First Form (Year 7) – Full or weekly £12,195£2,439£14,634
First Form (Year 7) – 3 day£9,765£1,953£11,718
Boarding - Overseas*
Third Form - Sixth Form (Years 9 - 13)£16,338£3,268£19,606
Second Form (Year 8)£14,438£2,888£17,326
First Form (Year 7)£12,478£2,496£14,974
Third Form - Sixth Form (Years 9 - 13)£10,475£2,095£12,570
Second Form (Year 8)£9,240£1,848£11,088
First Form (Year 7)£7,970£1,594£9,564

*Pupils whose parents reside overseas and who are not ordinarily resident in the UK.

Fees schedule 2024-25Insurance Schemes

Fees in Advance

We offer a Fees in Advance (FIA) Scheme, which provides the opportunity to pay a discounted lump sum in return for a guaranteed credit to a pupil’s fee account over a pre-defined period. It is possible to pay all your child’s School fees in advance as a single lump sum. The fee can be paid by anyone, including grandparents, as it is not limited to the child’s parents. For further information or to discuss a quotation, please contact our Finance team on billing@oundleschool.org.uk.

Help with fees

We are proud that over one hundred pupils at Oundle are supported with bursaries and we are continually working to increase our Bursary Endowment Fund.

We are committed to offering a broad range of means-tested financial support, both for new pupils and for those families who find themselves in difficult financial circumstances part way through their child’s education, often through no fault of their own. We also have a Bursary Scheme which seeks to provide opportunities for children from disadvantaged backgrounds who are identified as being particularly likely to benefit from a boarding education.

Bursaries vary in size according to circumstance; it may be that a ten percent remission makes all the difference to a family, whilst others may require 100 percent or more to ensure a pupil does not miss out on the broad range of co-curricular opportunities Oundle offers.

To request further information on bursary funding or to receive a Declaration of Means form, please contact Admissions.

Contact admissions

Bursary policy

Bursary guidelines


Oundle is founded on philanthropy and we profoundly value the ethos of giving, whether it be educating pupils in the importance of contributing to the wider society of which they are part or, more fundamentally, enabling access to such an education.

Bursaries are funded annually


Average fee remission


Annual value of bursaries

I was a bursary recipient and remain hugely indebted to this wonderful gift that I was offered. I firmly believe that without it, I would not have had such significant opportunities in my life after School. Knowing how privileged I was has directed my own career, and I now teach in order to help young people understand how to make the most of all the opportunities they are given.

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